Baker Hughes Energy Ideas Generation Program

is the Open Innovation program for start-ups, SMEs and research projects focused on energy-related technologies.

The program

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Baker Hughes, Baker Hughes Energy Ideas Generation Program, Energy, Programma di accelerazione, Startup, PMI Innovativa

Baker Hughes Energy Ideas Generation Program is the Open Innovation program dedicated to startups, SMEs and research projects that offer innovative solutions and technologies in the energy sector.

The program borns from the collaboration between Baker Hughes and Nana Bianca and offers to all selected projects the opportunity to undertake a 16-week Open Innovation process.

The selected teams will receive a grant of 35,000 euros, as well as operational support, training, mentorship services and workshops dedicated to the development of a project work with Baker Hughes.

Up to 5 startup

Selected every year

16 weeks

Of Open Innovation Program

Dedicated events

To showcase the technologies and solutions

35k grant

In cash for each Startup


To unlock potential collaborative developments


Technical Mentoring provided by Baker Hughes Subject Matter Experts

On fundraising and startup development provided by Nana Bianca

The program is conducted through remote mentorship sessions with only a few in-person events.

Batch 3

The initiative is dedicated to projects that operate in the Clean Energy and Industrial Technologies sectors and specifically:

Energy transition technologies: Solutions to remove emissions, increase efficiency and achieve carbon neutrality

Welcome to the future of energy transition! The world is in critical need of innovative solutions that can reduce emissions, increase efficiency in all its forms starting from energy, process, operations to supply chain, and ultimately pave the way towards a carbon-neutral future. As we strive towards a sustainable future, startups have a crucial role to play in driving innovation and revolutionizing the way we approach energy generation and consumption.


Are you a visionary entrepreneur who is passionate about creating cutting-edge solutions for emissions removal, increase efficiency and carbon neutrality? Then we invite you to be a part of this global movement by submitting your innovative startup idea. We are looking for startups that can provide unique and disruptive physical, digital or phygital solutions that could contribute to our journey towards clean, safer, and more efficient energy for the people and the planet.


Now is time to act, and we believe that your startup could be the key to unlock a sustainable future. Join us as we harness the power of technology to make a positive impact on the planet and lead in a new era of energy transition.

Batch 2 Winners


A biomimetic approach to Climate Change. We’re a team of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs, on a mission to develop sustainable carbon removal solutions. At our core, we are a technology-driven company, focused on scalable innovations that tackle climate change.


We’re CENmat, a vertically integrated water electrolyser company built for the climate era. Our breakthrough technologies allow the production of economical and truly green hydrogen. We call it electrolysis transformation.

Cooling Photonics

Cooling Photonics provides passive cooling solutions that reduce energy consumption, with zero carbon emissions, increasing systems performance whilst decreasing operating costs.


Electrifying Industry! We enable the electrification of industry by replacing natural gas with advanced Radio Frequency heating for industrial processes

Key dates

The acceleration program will be marked by the following milestones

The promoters

Baker Hughes, Baker Hughes Energy Ideas Generation Program, Energy, Programma di accelerazione, Startup, PMI Innovativa
Baker Hughes is an energy technology company that provides high-tech products, services and solutions for energy and industrial customers around the world. Built on a century of experience and with operations in more than 120 countries, our innovative technologies and services are driving energy forward, making it safer, cleaner and more efficient for people and the planet. Baker Hughes is reducing its impact on the environment, implementing low-carbon technologies and working to help customers meet their environmental goals, and innovating for the future of energy by offering solutions for the entire energy value chain, including new energy frontiers such as hydrogen, CCUS and energy storage. In Italy, Baker Hughes operates mainly through Nuovo Pignone, with around 5,000 employees at seven production sites. The main facility is in Florence, which since 2017 has also been home to the global headquarters of the Turbomachinery & Process Solutions (TPS) business, one of Baker Hughes’ four main businesses, joined by plants in Massa, Bari, Vibo Valentia, Talamona (Sondrio), Casavatore (Naples) and Cepagatti (Pescara). In Italy Baker Hughes also has a site for the assembly of large industrial modules in Avenza (Carrara), a combination of high technology and sophisticated environmental protection systems. In Italy, Baker Hughes designs and manufactures turbines and compressors for the energy market thanks to the technological heritage of Nuovo Pignone, which represents for the group the worldwide centre of excellence for research, development and production of gas turbines and compressors, pumps, valves and related services. In addition to the plant, which is at the forefront of digital technologies applied to production processes, Florence is also home to the TPS R&D centre, with over 1,000 engineers highly specialised in the development of new technologies to support the energy transition, and the iCenter, for remote monitoring and diagnostics of machines installed at Baker Hughes customer sites around the world. For more information:
Nana Bianca, Startup, PMI innovative, Programma di accelerazione, We try to build the future, Acceleratore, Incubatore startup
Nana Bianca is a high-profile technology startup studio. We offer our experience to transform revolutionary ideas into successful tech companies. We create the companies of tomorrow, we intercept and anticipate market trends by identifying high-growth sectors and high technological interest, focusing in particular on the Ad-Tech world, we select and train teams, guiding them through execution. We work under the banner of innovation, dedicating ourselves to the transformation of the national digital fabric by means of an advanced co-working ecosystem, where people and companies with common ideals and goals can collaborate and give life to their own projects, through an organic process of contamination of ideas.

Le Startup Selezionate


è una startup ad alto contenuto tecnologico, spin-off dell’Università di Bologna, che produce dispositivi per rendere la logistica più sostenibile sulla Terra e nello Spazio reinventando l’azione di presa robotica di oggetti di qualsiasi forma, dimensione e materiale. La startup sviluppa una tecnologia proprietaria a film sottile che diventa adesiva a comando per elettrostaticità, con un’alta densità di forza, un peso e un consumo energetico minimi.


nata a Bergamo nel 2019, sviluppa e applica soluzioni sostenibili innovative per l'economia circolare, si occupa in particolare della valorizzazione di rifiuti industriali che oggi hanno come unica destinazione lo smaltimento in discarica. In particolare la società ha sviluppato diverse tecnologie, brevettate, per il trattamento di residui di processi industriali (scorie di acciaieria, fly ashes da termovalorizzatori, polveri fini da cementifici etc.) con effetto carbon capture.


fondata a Bologna nel 2017, lavora sulla produzione e applicazioni del grafene. L'azienda detiene un brevetto sulla tecnologia di produzione del grafene in quantità industriali basato su un metodo innovativo ed eco compatibile. Il grafene prodotto è in grado di essere depositato su un elevato numero di superfici, sposando tutte le applicazioni possibili, dall'elettronica alla medicina, e applicazioni industriali quali lubrificanti ad alte prestazioni.

A program by

Baker Hughes, Baker Hughes Energy Ideas Generation Program, Energy, Programma di accelerazione, Startup, PMI Innovativa
Nana Bianca, Startup, PMI innovative, Programma di accelerazione, We try to build the future, Acceleratore, Incubatore startup

Technical Partner



Baker Hughes is the leading energy technology company that designs and manufactures transformative technologies that take energy forward. The aim of the Energy Ideas Generation Program is to support the european early stage startups in the energy verticals in order to build together the technologies of tomorrow.

The Energy Ideas Generation Program is mainly open to early stage startups. Our main focus is on startups under 3 years old, generally pre-seed stage with a prototype or at the initial pilot stage operating in the energy sectors and looking to refine their value proposition.  We are also open to evaluate startups at higher stage in case of particular technology value.
Applications are open from April to June. All startups that have completed their application before June 20 are reviewed by a committee composed of Baker Hughes and Nana Bianca experts, top managers and external partners. Startups may be invited to videocall interviews. If your application is shortlisted, you will be invited to pitch your project in front of a jury consisting of Baker Hughes innovation experts and executive committee.

We select up to 5 startups per year.

The eligibility requirements are the following:
– Quality of the team: skills relevance, complementarity, expertise and market knowledge
– Value proposition: existing prototype or MVP, unfair advantages, initial traction (actual customers or potential customers)
– Market dynamic: Market size, market dynamics and maturity
– Fit with the program: relevance with specific Baker Hughes business lines, maturity of the company (pre-seed / seed stage looking to prepare a first fundraising), capacity and willingness to question current value proposition and strategy.

The Program provides support to startups with various initiatives and services:

a) 35k euros grant as financial contribution and reimbursement of travel expenses.

b) Technical support by Baker Hughes’ innovation experts:
  • Weekly one-to-one Mentoring Session
  • Extended Mentoring Sessions with internal Subject Matter Experts

c) Business mentoring provided by Nana Bianca’s professionals
  • One-to-one meetings with Sales & Marketing and UX/UI experts

d) Support by Nana Bianca’s investment team that will help and follow the startups up to the first round (series A).

e) Workshops and events with Baker Hughes and Nana Bianca.

f) Dedicated desk for the selected teams in Baker Hughes HQ in Florence.
In return for this investment in cash and services, the selected startups will grant Baker Hughes and Nana Bianca the right to take part on a one-time basis Option Right, which will be negotiated on a case by case approach.
A Non-Disclosure Agreement will be signed by Baker Hughes, the start-up and Nana Bianca to protect the exchange of information.
The program takes place from September to December 2023 and can be followed remotely, although regular in-person events are planned throughout the program to facilitate peer-learning and networking (kick-off, workshops, Demo Day). Accommodation at Baker Hughes’ HQ in Florence is optional but strongly recommended to take full advantage of the numerous learning and networking opportunities available.
The selection process lasts up to 8 weeks and is divided into 2 phases: 1. First phase: some startups will be contacted for an in-depth analysis with the acceleration team. During this call, the metrics of the startup will be discussed and the general terms of the agreement will be presented;

2. Second phase: the selected teams will receive our Term Sheet and, once accepted, a short list of startups more in line with the requirements will be created which will access the Selection Day. Following the Selection Day, the Investment Committee will take the final decision on the startups that will access the Acceleration Program;

– You will receive a response on the selection results at the end of the selection process.